Addressing Cybersecurity pragmatically

When it comes to cybersecurity, the first thing people mention to me is that it is complex, scary, difficult to understand sometimes even magic. I would be the first one to acknowledge that with the advances of technology and internet connectivity, tryin to protect yourself from the onslaught of hacking and scamming attempts, can be a daunting task.

There are however steps you can undertake which just requires a bit of time to stop and think how certain actions can have a negative consequence.

Stop and think

When someone in the street suddenly starts talking to you, claiming he is from bank xyz and tells you that your bank account details are at risk and that you should provide him with your credentials so they can resolve that issue, I’m fairly sure you’ll start looking at him as if he had lost his mind. Of course you wouldn’t believe him and simply tell him to bugger off or even call the police and have him arrested.

When it comes to online engagements, the response should not be very different. Stop and think why any party would need your information, of any kind, to be able to resolve a particular problem they seem to have discovered. If a bank has discovered an issue with your account, they would simply block the transactions and ask you to contact a local branch or log in to their website. They would not even provide a link in that email or text message.

Small & Medium businesses

The majority of the small to medium businesses don’t have the resources to employ dedicated IT personnel. So if you’re reading this and have the same restriction, rest assure, you’re not alone.

As you most often rely on 3rd party providers that install your computers and manage your hard/software, cybersecurity doesn’t really spring to mind. The use of a computer is complex enough and the thing should just work similar like your car. Get up in the morning, shower, breakfast, hop in the car and go.
The same expectation goes for a computer, start the darn thing up, look at your emails, log into your business software package of your choice, check your account balance with your bank and …., “what the h*ll“, no money, account drained of any funds. You must have made a mistake. Let’s try logging in again, maybe something went wrong. Nope still empty.

You’ve been hacked

At that moment you feel cold sweat running down your back and you realize that your computer does not really do what you want it to do.
To keep the car narrative, roads don’t really suffer from international criminal gangs punching pot-holes in road whereas computers linked to the internet are constantly bombarded by malicious entities. It only takes a moment of inattention, some outdated software, another website that got hacked and your credentials or other details are up for grabs and can/will be used to try any method to extort money from you.

This happens every day, yes every day… Let that sink in. Again, you’re not the only one and it is really unfortunate that many of these hacks could’ve been prevented.

Build your defenses

Stop and think how you act with external parties, which information you share, which information you collect and keep from your relationships and third parties. How is this protected. Have you informed yourself with some of the best practices around Cyber security. Many resources provide hints and tips and allow you to implement strategies in how to best protect yourself and your business against malicious actors.

EvL Consulting believes that Cybersecurity is not a concept of technology and a combination of people, processes and technology should be addressed. Security is only as good as its weakest link so taking a holistic approach in these areas in order to create the best defense against cyber criminals.

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