Config Guide

1 – Management

I’ve found that in many cases it is not the technical people being unwilling to maintain their infrastructure but more to the fact there is so much pressure from commercial and legal entities within companies that every change or action that could potentially have a technical side-effect needs to be reviewed, discussed, assessed and re-assessed

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Short stroking disk drives to improve performance

Reading a post from Hans DeLeenheer (VEEAM) which ramped up quite a bit including responses from Calvin Zito (HP), Alex McDonald (NetApp) and Nigel Poulton. The discussion started on a comment that XIO had \”special\” firmware which improved IO performance. Immediately the term \”short-stroking\” came up which leads to believe X-IO is cheap-skating on their technologies. I

Short stroking disk drives to improve performance Read More »

FCIP configuration, pitfalls and troubleshooting

FCIP has been around for quite a while. The fine engineers of CNT/McData/Brocade/Rhapsody/Vixel (you name them) saw early one that a method was needed to overcome the, back then,  distance limitation of around 10KM. This was not due to a limitation in the FC protocol itself but more due to the fact the hardware back

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4 – Standards in operation

Consistency is one of the most important things in a computing environment. There are abundant examples where configuration inconsistencies have led to disastrous events leading up to dropped databases, setting up disk-mirrors in the wrong direction (ie overwriting a perfectly good partition with an empty one), operational mistakes due to wrong or unclear naming conventions

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