
What is Duo?

Duo is a security solution that gives you a second layer of protection
by confirming that you’re really who you say you are before you can
access your accounts. With Duo’s two-factor authentication, even
if someone knows your password, unless they have your device –
mobile phone, tablet or Apple watch – Duo stops them in their tracks.

Why Duo?

81% of hacking incidents used stolen or weak passwords.

Maybe you’re warming up to the idea of adding an extra layer of
protection to your accounts (we sure hope so!), but we know what
you’re thinking: How much hassle is Duo gonna add to my life?
We’ve all had bad experiences having to install new apps that seem
to create as many problems as they solve – and that’s why Duo is
designed to be safe and simple.

How does Duo keep it simple? We know that tools only work if you
use’em, so Duo is designed to be super-intuitive. By adding just one
tap to how you log in, you’ll hardly notice it at all. Some people
even say it makes them feel like a cool spy, if you’re into that.

What’s the catch?

Zip. Zero. Nada. We can’t spy on you or wipe your phone,
and we won’t drain your data plan

Can Duo or my company spy on me?

Nope. Duo can’t read your emails, track your location, or see
your browsing history, and we can only send notifications
with your permission.

Will Duo drain my data plan?

On average, Duo users log in once or twice per day, which
is about 60kb per month. To put it another way, an hour of
looking at memes is comparable to authenticating with Duo
Push more than 1,300 times.

Can Duo remotely wipe my phone?

In a word: No.

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