Tag Archives: cybersecurity

Cybersecurity is Virtual Combat but very real

Cybersecurity is Virtual Combat but very real

I’ve spent 6 years in the army, and the most important thing any soldier relies on is training. Be drilled to the core of your bones ensures that in highly stressful situations, and you do not get more stressful than in combat, you do not act impulsively or irrationally. As it is instinctively ingrained into your brain, you can very quickly draw on your knowledge to make correct decisions. It also ensures that you can rely on your mates and they can rely on you so that the whole of the organisation runs effectively with the least chance of casualties.

Cyber defence is not much different from an operational perspective. Although we’re not talking of immediate life and death here, the survival of a company could well rely on your responses of a cyberattack. Not being prepared is the most stressing issue for any CISO (Chief Information Security Officer) in any organisation.

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State of Security at Australian Financial Institutions

When it comes to safeguarding your money, you would think that banks, lenders and mortgage brokers have their act together. With about 95% of all financial services being done over the internet, there are a significant amount of interactions that may be susceptible to modifications by malicious parties, which could result in losses of large sums of money. The gateway to your money at financial institutions should be improved.

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