D-Link System DWA-131 802.11n Wireless N Nano Adapter(rev.A1) [Realtek RTL8192SU]

With Fedora 17 you have to be using some older firmware. I checked and there is a difference in size. The \”file\” command doesn\’t give anything in return however the actual size needs to be 129304 bytes in size. The one that comes with one of the Fedora 17 updates seems to overwrite it with one approximately 129095 bytes in size. If the incorrect is loaded you will not get an error message and the driver seems to load just fine however there is no way in hell you\’ll be able to get some traffic going.

The driver at this point in time (Oct 2012) is still coming from the staging area.

I haven\’t been able to figure out where the \”r8712u: [r8712_got_addbareq_event_callback] mac = 24:65:11:57:2e:82, seq = 0, tid = 1\” message comes from.

Will dig into the source code when time permits.


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