ViPR – Frankenstorage Revisited | Architecting IT

Fellow blogger and keen dissector of fluff Chris Evans really hit the nail on the head with this one. ViPR – Frankenstorage Revisited | Architecting IT: Even after reading the announcement from EMC a couple of times I really struggle with finding out what is actually announced. It looks like they crammed every existing technology […]

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SCSI UNMAP and performance implications

When listening to Greg Knieriemens\’ podcast on Nekkid Tech there was some debate on VMWare\’s decisision to disable the SCSI UNMAP command on vSphere 5.something. Chris Evans (www.thestoragearchitect.com) had some questions why this has happened so I\’ll try to give a short description. Be aware that, although I work for Hitachi, I have no insight

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