SNWUSA Pre-conference schedule

As this week is going to fairly interesting at SNWUSA in Santa Clara I thought I\’d might give some short daily updates. In the twittersphere there is already some great noise spread with all schedules around #storagebeers and other social interactions. Yesterday was travelday for me. Getting on a massive Airbus A380  is always quite an experience. Since I used my points on other gadgets (mainly for my kids)
I had to fly tourist class so 14 hours being cranked in a chair is not the best way to travel but on an A380 it\’s still doable. At least they have some pretty good entertainment (or annoyance distraction) system in that aircraft so time \”flew\” by pretty fast. The flying Kangaroo brought me safely to Los Angeles.
After a short wait in LAX the next plane (Ambrear, what a difference) took me to San Jose and I stopped by the office on Central Express way to catch up with some emails and check out the HDS corporate HQ.

Tonight I\’m going to have a catchup with buddy Heff (no not that Heff, Michael Heffernan or @virtualheff for insiders) and have some dinner.

I think it\’s going to be a good and exiting week.

More to come.


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