SNWUSA – The tourist sunday

Yesterday I met up with Mike Heffernan aka @virtualheff and had some diner in Palo Alto. (Ohh btw mike, thanks for picking up the bill.) and discussed the usual  things around technicalities which we could do better so it was a useful brainstorming session as well. 

Today I first went to the Computer History Museum in Mountain View. Very nice to see the legacy and evolution of computer science. After that I drove to San Fransisco and spent some time over there. Very nice city but you don\’t want to ride a bike there. Man it\’s hills are steep. So you do the usual tourist stuff so here are some pictures.

 Google\’s First.

 Doesn\’t need any intro. Unfortunately the tickets were sold out so I couldn\’t visit this time.

Maybe the most famous bridge in the world.
More pictures are posted on Fotki  and here .
Tomorrow SNW is going to kick off. I\’m very exited and I hope it going to be worth the trip. Curious how many people have registered for my presso on Thursday.
Erwin van Londen

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