Brocade Technical

Non-disclosed posts. For private use.


Dynamic connectivity overview in \”switchshow\” output

In a Brocade environment the \”switchshow\” is one of the most used commands out there. It provides a quick overview of what the state of the switch is, switch name, switch attributes and a list of all ports and states. It had however its limitations which, with later codelevels, can be corrected.

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Dynamic connectivity overview in \”switchshow\” output

In a Brocade environment the \”switchshow\” is one of the most used commands out there. It provides a quick overview of what the state of the switch is, switch name, switch attributes and a list of all ports and states. It had however its limitations which, with later codelevels, can be corrected.

Dynamic connectivity overview in \”switchshow\” output Read More »

Initiator, Target, Both or None ??

Whenever you\’ve encountered an output of a nameserver entry you may have come across the phenomenon that the fabric has no clue what the attached device is. For a FC switch an attached device (or N-port in technical terms) is not more than a source or destination where frames originate from or can be sent

Initiator, Target, Both or None ?? Read More »

Brocade Network Advisor vulnerable to SWEET32

OK, OK, don\’t panic. In 99.999% of all cases you\’re BNA management system is well dug deep inside the datacenter\’s behind a fair few layers of firewalls, switch ACL\’s and other physical or non-physical borders so bad dudes being able to exploit the vulnerability is relatively unlikely. Just in the event you still want to

Brocade Network Advisor vulnerable to SWEET32 Read More »

Host based mirroring kills your storage network!!

System administrators are very inventive and lazy. I know, I used to be one of them. 🙂 Everything that can be done to make ones life easier is about to be scripted, configured, designed etc.  If you are responsible for an overall environment from Apps to servers to networks and storage you can make very

Host based mirroring kills your storage network!! Read More »

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