Fibre Channel

Initiator, Target, Both or None ??

Whenever you\’ve encountered an output of a nameserver entry you may have come across the phenomenon that the fabric has no clue what the attached device is. For a FC switch an attached device (or N-port in technical terms) is not more than a source or destination where frames originate from or can be sent

Initiator, Target, Both or None ?? Read More »

Why frames get dropped at your storage array

Arrays from all vendors have significant troubleshooting capabilities but in most cases these are scambled in the most obscure way you can imagine. You need special tools to be able to have a look at the log-dumps that come out of these systems. The nice part is that they contain a wealth of information including

Why frames get dropped at your storage array Read More »

Why FDMI is compulsory (or should be!!)

FDMI stands for Fabric Device Management Interface and is such an enormously cool feature and unfortunately one of the least used. From an operational management perspective FDMI provides a wealth of information to the fabric regarding the attached devices. The thing that flabbergasted me is that almost no device (HBA/Array) has this turned on of

Why FDMI is compulsory (or should be!!) Read More »

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